As a CIC, not-for-profit social enterprise, we believe that both Art and wellness should not be exclusive to the privileged few but rather available to everyone as a natural expression of our desire to move towards wellbeing; as individuals and as communities.
Our social purpose is a shared intent to raise the level of well-being and flourishing in the local area. We are acutely aware of the shift in change of work locations and patterns created by the pandemic; the increasing movement towards digital rather than physical interaction and the current cost of living crisis. In addition to this, there is a lack of social integration in areas of London that have experienced ‘gentrification’ and East London certainly falls into this category. We will and already are creating a connections between sectors of the community in order to reach people who are isolated, lonely or without a sense of belonging. To help facilitate this vision, our qualification for funding combined with our class pricing structure allows us to offer free and significantly reduced places on all our classes and workshops upon email request from low and no-income members of the community. Our Community classes that are offered to, and in collaboration with, local charities and grass roots organisations are held on weekday mornings. These are specifically geared towards social integration, extension of opportunities to the wider public and to address the bias in the wellness industry in terms of diversification. With these aims in mind we are committed to creating a co-operative of teachers from all backgrounds, ages and gender.
The concept of Dalston Clay partly arose out of the realisation that, whilst it was not possible to continue to provide artist workspaces in East London due to extortionate rents, we could extend the opportunity of a creative life to all members of the community through the economy of a communal space that cross-fertilises activities; thus expanding the notion of creativity to a wider audience. Our hope is to inspire and energise people to access their own creative capacities, helping them to achieve a sense of purpose, self-esteem and encourage a spirit of collaboration.
We strongly believe that everyone, regardless of cultural background, financial situation, age, race or gender, should have easy access to activities that promote wellbeing. This is also reflected in the teachers that are employed at Dalston Clay. We are very proud of the diversity of our team and the wealth of experience, culture and authenticity that they bring to the space.​​
Compassion ​
Using our hearts and minds to be compassionate to ourselves and others is the vital ingredient of our values at Dalston Clay.​Compassion gives us a sense of purpose, it sharpens our attention to suffering by connecting us to others and motivates us to be understanding, patient and kind.
Creativity ​
We see creativity as a beautiful and necessary process in any form of healing that will help people to unleash their own creative power.​ ​
Independent thinking and the courage of one’s convictions are crucial elements of the Dalston Clay ethos. Independent thought is always encouraged and respected.​​
​It is through the sharing of values that some of our most powerful experiences and outcomes arise. At Dalston Clay we strive to bring together people in a state of mutual collaboration, sharing values from a place of respect and virtue.
We believe that respect and integrity come from commitment to one's values. This involves embodying and communicating our values at every opportunity.