A guided sculpture session exploring
the portrait through clay
3 hrs
Contemporary artist and founder of Dalston Clay, Barnaby Hosking, will guide you through the fascinating and absorbing process of sculpting a portrait using paper clay: a versatile clay medium allowing complete freedom in clay construction. Sculpt a portrait of a loved one live during the session, bring photographs from which to work or create a face from the depths of your imagination!
"Beauty is found in the details"
A 3 hr guided session.
A perfect way to get into flow
A great idea for a date or bonding experience
All Materials Provided: We supply all the clay, tools, aprons, tea, coffee and friendly vibes.
No Experience Necessary: These classes are designed for beginner and experienced ceramicists of all skill levels.
Sessions include one glazed and fired piece per participant to be collected after one month. Additional pieces can be fired for a fee ranging between £5-£15 depending on size.


As a CIC and Social Enterprise, it is our intention is to make Dalston Clay a studio that is available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstance. While we need to function as a business, we never want money to be the reason why someone can't benefit from what we've built. If you truly can't afford the full cost of our offerings, we invite you to contact us to discuss your situation and we will endeavour to sort something out.