Hi Ola, thank you for taking this time to chat with us about your experience at the studio! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi, my name is Ola. I'm a filmmaker and visual artist. I live in East London.
How did you start coming to Dalston Clay?
I started going to Dalston Clay through CLAY SOCIAL. I was really looking for activities in a welcoming environment... not a bar or a club - something alternative and creative, that doesn't necessarily involve alcohol and that's not excercise either! Since then, I started to invite a lot of friends and it became a very social thing for me. I've started coming to the studio periodically - and I'm even learning wheel-throwing!
What's your experience been like so far?
As an artist that works in a visual medium and not a lot with my hands, I don't really get the payoff so instantaneously, so it was really enjoyable to create with my hands and reproduce what I see in my mind. It's been a really therapeutic and cathartic experience, just getting to make something and seeing the process, and getting really excited.
You mentioned that you like to invite your friends...
Becuase it's really affordable, especially since we're in a cost of living crisis! Being able to chat with my friends during the session and seeing what they make is always quite funny. Plus, you have a memento of your friendship afterwards. It's nice to have some playful fun with your friends.
How do you feel when you work with clay?
I feel really connected to the world, in a sense... I feel really at peace . I'm thinking about the small details that go into it -- the slight movements and making things come together. If you feel like something's gone wrong, you can put it back together and start again. It's a really amazing experience because it's such a malleable material and I'm so glad you guys are helping me explore it -- I think everyone should try to work with clay!
What's your dream and intention for your clay journey?
My intention is to work it in with my filmmaking and showing at some exhibitions. I want to bring it in to my existing work and use it to facilitate my creative practice in general.
What makes Dalston Clay special to you?
I can tell how much the owner, Barnaby, cares about the place -- he's built the whole thing himself and manufactured all the furniture. It's a really beautiful space that feels so calming and otherworldly. Plus, it's an amazing concept and philosophy that Dalston Clay has in terms of making art and working with people, and I just really enjoy it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Ola! You can follow Ola's clay journey on her instagram page @olaadejij_ and on tiktok @dasola
This interview has been edited for clarity and concision.